WorkSmart | Turn on your talent

Structured interviews are a reliable, legal, and research-proven method of selection, and a good start for any hiring process.  Pre-employment assessments can substantially increase your knowledge of any given candidate, particularly when Job Match technology is a part of the process.

WorkSmart's Consultants are experts in the selection of pre-employment tools that maximize your return on investment.  You’ll get assessments that accurately evaluate the total person, examining cognitive skills, behavioral traits, and interest patterns to develop a comprehensive profile of each candidate.  Our tools meet the testing standards established by the EEOC, the ADA, the DOL, and the Civil Rights Act, and comply with the guidelines developed by the American Psychological Association.

The Harvard Business Review published a study of 300,000 subjects which identified "job match" as by far the most reliable predictor of job success. Their research showed no significant difference in work performance when factors such as age, sex, race, education, and experience were compared. Their conclusion: "It's not experience that counts or college degrees or other accepted factors; success hinges on a fit with the job."

Contact WorkSmart for information on how you can get a thorough analysis of people, job responsibilities, and Job Match.  Try our FREE  Pre-employment Assessment to determine if better selection and decreased turnover would help Turn ON Your Talent.

Contact us today for a Free Pre-Employment Assessment.

June 9, 2016

Many of us have worked with a bad boss in our lifetime. Remember the micro-manager, the yeller,  the softy, the one who’s never there, and/or the boss who takes all the credit for your work? We've all experienced trials and tribulations working under these leadership styles. "It’s frustrating," we say to ourselves, "but that's life." What if, though, we could somehow magically transform supervisors of this sort into competent, inspiring leaders?

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