Customer satisfaction is critical to building a profitable business, from the sales staff to senior executives. New clients are always needed, but your company may see faster growth by improving the service you provide to current customers.
To maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty, WorkSmart can accurately assess the service-related abilities of potential hires and current employees, and help your workforce develop the specific skills needed for your industry. We know the research-proven characteristics and proficiencies found in people who provide outstanding customer service.
Selecting qualified, responsive individuals with the necessary learning skills is a good start. Our online, easy-to-use assessments measure the customer service skills you need, addressing the aptitudes required for your particular industry. From “Focus” to “Flexibility,” our tools will substantially improve your selection process and easily provide return-on-investment.
When you need high-impact, effective workshops and training programs in customer service, WorkSmart has you covered. You’ll get information specific to the needs of your company and your clients, and proven strategies delivered by people with expertise in your business.
Our Customer Service Specialists will help you improve client satisfaction and in the process boost retention, grow your base, and boost your bottom line. Your workers will learn to effectively recover from customer service failures, consistently manage difficult clients, and create memorable customer service experiences.
Contact us today for a Free, No-Obligation Consultation on Customer Service Skills.