Can Humility Breed Success?
Among the many qualities considered vital for successful leaderhip, humility often gets the most lip service - but rarely much in the way of action. A 2012 study conducted at the University of Buffalo showed that humble bosses differ from their egocentric peers in three significant ways. Unpretentious leaders were found to be far more likely to: 1) lead by example, 2) admit their mistakes, and 3) recognize their followers’ strengths. Good to know, but what might it do for the good of the organization?
These three behaviors were found to be powerful predictors of company growth. Researchers discovered that humility also fostered more learning-oriented teams, more engaged staff and lower employee turnover.
Humility here should not be translated to mean "insignificant" or "inferior." Rather, the leaders described in this study were modest and respectful of the people with whom they work.
The kind of leadership we promote at WorkSmart combines the best of both worlds: We help select and develop executives and managers that are ethical and humane, but we also practice what we preach. Ethical leaders do the right thing, even when it's difficult or unpopular. It’s always been a valued part of the culture of our firm and embodies how we do business.
In today's world, communication is immediate and transparent, and leaders need to be as open and forthright as is possible. They need to use their power to direct, but more importantly to energize, inspire, and empower their constituents. Building a network, a cooperative team that's united in purpose will drive results; authoritarian management is as dead as dirt, and about as useful in building a successful business.
To build power leaders rely on skills related to social and emotional intelligence, finding areas of common ground and opening up a world of possibilities that can only be unleashed through cooperation and trust. The days of ordering people around are gone, and those organizations that rely on these outdated modes of leadership will no doubt soon follow.